Saturday, October 24, 2009

The 3 Day Thrush Cure?

Wow! I've gotten some exciting emails lately from people who've tried my program - it makes me feel really good when I hear of other moms who've had that "aha!" moment and realize that there's more to treating thrush than just giving your baby a pill and hoping for the best.

I was on a thrush forum the other day where some moms were talking about the pros and cons of using different treatments - the general consensus was that they had a hard time getting rid of the thrush and most people resorted to drugs. One mom said about Diflucan (which I strongly recommend against because it's so toxic) something to the effect that, "Well, I'm sure it's quite rare a baby gets liver failure from it. My baby just threw up for a week or so and then she was fine."

I hate reading things like that! Too many people fail to appreciate how vulnerable babies' developing organs are -- I have no doubt that using Diflucan like that, even briefly, can permanently harm a child's developing liver (which is essential for good health.) Not only that, it's completely unnecessary to use that stuff on a baby to get rid of thrush! That's the whole reason why I decided to write a book about curing thrush naturally, since I went to so much effort for my own babies. I hope if you or your child is suffering from thrush you will take advantage of this information and go the route of unnecessary health damage.

As a side note, I was pleased to notice another mom posting about her positive experiences with The 3 Day Thrush Cure. Check it out!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Mouth Thrush: Natural Remedies for Mouth Thrush

Mouth thrush is caused by invasion of the yeast/fungus candida albicans. Resulting in painful, tender spots of white yeast overgrowth or sometimes tiny red bumps, mouth thrush can be a cause of serious discomfort. There are a number of factors which can predispose a person to mouth thrush, including:

*use of antibiotics
*lowered immunity
*breastfeeding in babies
*birth control pills

Would you like to cure mouth thrush naturally? The natural route, with many things, is so far superior to conventional medicine, which often uses toxic pharmaceuticals unnecessarily. (Please note, in a small percentage of cases, such as a blood fungal infection, anti-fungal drugs truly are necessary so it's always a good idea to consult with your doctor.)

However, the vast majority of cases of mouth thrush can be treated with far better results using natural remedies. However, the problem with most natural remedies is they don't go far enough to rid of the thrush at the root, so people get frustrated and they end up using drugs anyway. (Unfortunately, the yeast often grows back after using pharmaceutical anti-fungals too.)

My own years of experience with yeast led me to realize you really need a two-pronged approach to get rid of mouth thrush permanently:

1.) Kill with potent but completely non-toxic anti-fungals
2.) Build up your body's natural yeast defenses to keep the yeast from growing back.

Step #2 is so crucial and is what so many products, programs and people are missing in their attempts to get rid of mouth thrush once and for all.

I've laid out the step-by-step details on how to cure mouth thrush naturally and permanently in my ebook, "The 3 Day Thrush Cure." You can also read more about mouth thrush in my article, "Mouth Thrush - What it is and How to Cure it Naturally."

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Oral Thrush: Why the Natural Approach Works Best

Oral thrush can be quite uncomfortable and frustrating, to say the least. Symptoms can include painful irritation, burning, soreness, etc. It's amazing how sensitive the mouth is and how even the slightest discomfort there can really drive a person to want to some relief.

For this reason, it's natural to seek out instant relief for mouth thrush and many people turn to pharmaceuticals, without knowing what else to do. But I'd like to share with you a secret: not only are pharmaceuticals not entirely safe for oral thrush, they're not even the most effective strategy.

Why is that?

Well, for one thing, pharmaceuticals are inherently toxic and they drain your body's immune system and other organs. Yes, they can be life saving in some cases, but they should not be used lightly or unnecessarily.

With oral thrush, the natural/holistic approach works best because it helps to kill the yeast without side effects and it also also to restore your natural immunity to yeast -- something that drugs can never do.

On a practical level, I have personal experience myself and having helped hundreds of other people to cure oral thrush naturally and I see the results they have - not only in getting rid of their thrush quickly, but also in improving their health (and their children's health) at the same time.

I encourage you to try the natural approach! It truly is the most effective and healing strategy, when it's done right.

Good luck to you!

Rebecca Haworth
"The 3 Day Thrush Cure"

Thursday, October 1, 2009

"I Never Realized My Symptoms Were Related to Yeast"

This is so familiar - and I can totally relate. There's a growing awareness of understanding how common, and how harmful, yeast overgrowth can be. It can be almost like a light bulb going off when a person comes to realize that so many seemingly unrelated symptoms of poor health are all related - to yeast.

Yeast cells excrete potent toxins that burden every cell of your body, your internal organs, your immune system - everything. At the same time, yeast cells are also parasitic by nature and are invasive. Under the right conditions, they'll grow and burrow into your body's tissues, causing further damage.

Growing undetected over a period of years, yeast can wreak havoc on your health. One of the most sneaky aspects of yeast is that when it grows out of control, it causes you to crave it's favorite food - sugar. People with yeast overgrowth often have intense sugar/carbohydrate cravings, as well as craving for yeast-laden food such as fresh baked yeasted bread.

Needless to say, this only makes the problem worse.

My own experiences with yeast caused me to be determined to make absolutely certain that my children wouldn't have to suffer the way I had. And that's why I researched and experimented until I came up with The 3 Day Thrush Cure.