Thursday, October 1, 2009

"I Never Realized My Symptoms Were Related to Yeast"

This is so familiar - and I can totally relate. There's a growing awareness of understanding how common, and how harmful, yeast overgrowth can be. It can be almost like a light bulb going off when a person comes to realize that so many seemingly unrelated symptoms of poor health are all related - to yeast.

Yeast cells excrete potent toxins that burden every cell of your body, your internal organs, your immune system - everything. At the same time, yeast cells are also parasitic by nature and are invasive. Under the right conditions, they'll grow and burrow into your body's tissues, causing further damage.

Growing undetected over a period of years, yeast can wreak havoc on your health. One of the most sneaky aspects of yeast is that when it grows out of control, it causes you to crave it's favorite food - sugar. People with yeast overgrowth often have intense sugar/carbohydrate cravings, as well as craving for yeast-laden food such as fresh baked yeasted bread.

Needless to say, this only makes the problem worse.

My own experiences with yeast caused me to be determined to make absolutely certain that my children wouldn't have to suffer the way I had. And that's why I researched and experimented until I came up with The 3 Day Thrush Cure.

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