Thursday, September 3, 2009

Causes of Infant Thrush

If you're like me, when your baby got thrush you're wondering, "why?" A lot of doctors and other sources will try to convince you that thrush is just something babies get and there's no real cause. Yes, infant thrush is very common, but why? Here are some causes of infant thrush:

ANTIBIOTICS: antibiotics wipe out your friendly flora, leaving you (and your baby) much more vulnerable to yeast.

PREMATURITY: premature babies are more vulnerable to all kinds of opportunistic infections, including infant thrush.

MOM HAS YEAST: if mom has a vaginal yeast infection, or any kind of yeast problem, then baby can catch it from mom. This is a very common way babies get thrush.

So what's the solution? By far the best solution to solve the causes of infant thrush is to go back to the beginning and cure the underlying imbalance that allowed the yeast to grow out of control. Ultimately, this is the only way to cure the thrush quickly and naturally and stop it from growing back. To learn how to do this, download my ebook "The 3-Day Thrush Cure."

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